Sunday, August 25, 2013

First Day of Co Op 2013

I wouldn't consider myself an avid homeschooler yet, but I've been at it for eight years now, minus one for the year we put the kids in public school. Through those years, I've realized that, for us, the support of a co op is essential! This will be our third year in our co op and it has encouraged us in our effort to homeschool tremendously.

Two years ago when we first joined the co op, it was new territory for us. The kids and I were excited and a little nervous to go, but hopeful to make lasting friendships. We had a good year and met some great people. We loved being able to take one day a week to get out of the house and be among others who were like-minded. Although we didn't necessarily get to know everyone on a personal level, just being there was an encouragement in knowing that we were all there with a common goal of teaching at home. It's good to know you're not alone in your efforts and struggles!

The second year of co op proved to be a challenge for us. We came back to our co op with excitement, but soon grew weary of the expectations that seemed to be upon us there. We talked at home about whether or not it was a good thing to stay or quit. We came to the conclusion that we needed to take a break from the co op, so we did. We pulled out about halfway through the year and felt it would good for us. It was a nice break and we were able to catch our breaths and not feel obligated to anyone other than ourselves and God. After a while, however, we missed our friends and our day out! So we worked out some things that weren't working for us before, and decided to rejoin the co op. I'm glad we did because coming back allowed us to continue making friends and being encouraged by others.

This summer, however, proved to be trying for our co op. Both co op coordinators stepped away from leadership for separate reasons, and the co op was on the verge of being no more! For those of us who wanted to continue the co op, this was bad news! We were willing to do whatever it took to keep our co op running. So to make a really long story short, with lots of prayer and consideration, a returning co op friend and I are the new coordinators this year, and we are able to continue the co op with many returning families and many new ones as well. So needless to say, we have been very busy this summer planning for the fall and getting ready for the new school year and our 2013-2014 co op families.

We are excited to learn and grow together in leadership and friendships and to experience what God has in store for us this year. I am praying that we will continue to seek God's will in our decisions at home and at the co op, and that we will follow His promptings in leading our children. As a leader this year, I do not want to lose perspective of why we joined the co op in the first place. We are seeking encouragement and friendships for our children and ourselves in our homeschooling endeavor. So here's to an awesome new school year!

(The kids are holding up the numbers of the grades they are going into this year. Jaxon doesn't realize he's only going into pre-k, not first.)

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