Monday, August 12, 2013

Confessions of a School Supply-aholic...

I really love school supply shopping- It's my Christmas!  You may not want to know this about me but I love the smell of scotch tape and my level of happiness goes up just seeing large packages of color organized markers! I think I have passed on this passion to my children.  They were dying to go buy school supplies but before we could even make a list, we needed to figure out what we could reuse from last year.  Because, in all honesty, if I can avoid purchasing everything new, it justifies the glitter gel pens that I really want. 
To get started, we took everything out of the, we had a lot of stuff. And by the end of the school year, none of it was really in the bin it was supposed to be in...


While the three older kids helped me sort through everything, test all the markers, and throw away A LOT, baby Juliet had her own fun in the closet....

A few hours later and a trash bag full, the cabinet was back to it's happy organized self. Ok- so maybe a cabinet can't feel happy and organized, but this momma can. And I was. Although, we almost had a fight break out over who got to use the label maker but I controlled myself and we moved on...

Now, I think it's time to head to the store for those well deserved glitter gel pens. Oh, and maybe I should get the kid's school supplies too.


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