Saturday, January 25, 2014

Satan is a Liar!

-By Jamie

I am so tired of Satan's lies, aren't you? I especially hate it when I realize I've been buying into his lies for quite some time. On the other hand, I am extremely thankful when God reveals the truth to me! It is so freeing!

I am currently working on losing some weight, but when am I not? Oh, that's right, during the holidays when I'm working on five-thousand other things and not caring about my health as much because I want to have fun and eat all the goodies! But that's a whole other blog! Anyway, it's January so I am working hard to reach my fitness goals which means I am consistently making "better choices" as my doctor put it. I've been doing this for quite some time, off and on. My current short-term goal is to lose 10 pounds which is not easy for me. I'm eating better and exercising as much as I can fit in to my schedule. I weigh myself weekly and record my number. I'm doing great for the most part, but it doesn't always show up on the scale or in the way my clothes fit. So I keep pressing on, most of the time, or probably all of the time, feeling discontent with myself because I haven't reached my goal yet, or am not progressing as quickly as I want to. I keep thinking, "I have to do this so I can get healthy", or "I can't eat that because I haven't reached my goal yet." Sometimes I wonder if it's all really worth it or if I'll ever reach my goals. The constant struggle, physically and mentally, can be exhausting and discouraging.

The Lies: "This is really hard and I don't want to do it. What if I never reach my goals? Someday I will live a healthy lifestyle. If I do reach my goals, this should get easier. Until then, I will have to suffer through this."

Am I the only one with these thoughts? The constant recordings in my brain?

The Truth: Every time I make a healthy choice, I am ALREADY living a healthy lifestyle. What others or myself may see on the outside, does not reflect the changes I have made on the inside. This is hard, but it is worth it, and I'm going to enjoy it! Even if I never make it to my goal weight, I will rejoice in my decisions today.

Do you hear the difference? Satan loves to keep us unsatisfied. No matter what I did, I hadn't done enough and I was having my mental tantrums. My goals were always just out of reach. I was discontent and frustrated that I was working hard and not seeing enough results; never quite getting there. These lies can show up in all areas of our lives. "I'll never get everything done; I'll never own that bigger house, better car, or make enough money; maybe next week, month or year." We are constantly after something and never quite content...or is it just me? I hope not!

Then God opened my eyes to the fact that I had been wasting my days with thoughts of discontent. I was not enjoying the moment or rejoicing in the day God granted me. I realized that what I have already been doing is LIVING the life that I thought I was REACHING for! He made me aware that I have reached my healthy lifestyle goal and I should be enjoying the exercise and the healthy food choices. He showed me that even WHEN I reach my final fitness goals, I must continue to exercise and eat healthy, so I may as well enjoy it now! If I am not blessed with tomorrow, I don't want to waste today. These truths have helped me to have a better attitude about my lifestyle changes. I want to rejoice in the body God gave me and take care of it they way He intended, every day.

I still have my struggles, and don't always enjoy making the right choice, but God isn't finished with me yet!

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