Monday, October 7, 2013

Was I Successful in My 3 Challenges?

by Jenny

Change 3 Challenge: One Week Down...

Last week I joined Amber at Adventures in Mindful Cooking & her Change 3 Challenge and came up with 3 of my own changes. Here's my Change 3 Challenge post if you wanna catch up.

My three were:
1. Drink 100oz of water daily!
2. Write down everything I eat!
3. Eat only veggies & fruits for snacks!

Well, I don't think I ever reached 100 ounces but everyday I got between 70-90 ounces which is more than what I was drinking but not quite to goal...some days I really had to push myself. I think last Tuesday, by dinner time, I had only had one glass of water! Then I chugged it all evening to try to catch up! Which resulted in a not so restful night's sleep.... Towards the end of the week, it definitely got easier!
The goal of mine, to write everything down, is because I've noticed for myself that if I have to acknowledge it by writing it down, I think twice about eating it. I've also done enough carb & calorie counting in my life to have a general idea of what I should be eating in a day. I also usually measure all of our food into exact serving sizes because my 11 year old had Type 1 Diabetes and is on a pump so we total her carbs and she enters those in the pump to calculate how much insulin to take. Since we're measuring her food, we just give everybody the same amount. My mindless snacking or second helpings is what gets me into trouble so I thought writing it down would help. I did okay with this goal most days but there was a couple busy days that I tried to play "catch up" by writing it down at night- defeats the purpose really.
My third goal went great for me! I cut out most snacking (since I didn't want to write it down!) and if I felt hungry I ate edamame (my new favorite snack), cherry tomatoes, snap peas, or carrots.
Overall, I don't feel down about not reaching all my goals everyday because I was successful more often that not! And that's something to be proud of for me!
This week is a new week and I'm going to try to do even better this week! Wish me luck, pray for me, ask me in person if you see me- How ya doing? I want the encouragement!


  1. Hi, Jenny!
    I just wanted to stop by your site and encourage you in the Change 3 Challenge. I could definitely drink more water, too. I always forget to drink water during the day, and then try to catch up at night. :) Saying a prayer for you!
    (Signing in from my old blog - the new one is

  2. Sounds like you are doing good! A couple years ago when I needed to lose some weight I wrote everything down too. It really opened my eyes to my eating habits ( which were horrible at the time).What I love is you are focusing on the good and on your success! I think I need to do that more. I cant wait to see how next week goes (for both of you!)! I am so glad you both are linking up with us!
