Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Two Weeks in~Change 3 Challenge

by Jenny

Well, another week has gone and past while I worked on my Change 3 Challenge. It's been so crazy lately and it all seemed to come to the surface Monday while attempting a full and complete homeschool day! So this post is a little behind....
We've had birthdays, anniversaries, weekend trips...now gearing up for more birthdays, a party that I'm pulling out all the stops to plan for my two gingers! (I can't wait to blog all about that! I love birthday parties!!) Oh, and another short overnight trip! It always seems that I think the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is busy but it really starts for me in September... With all that busyness, I guess we had fallen behind on our school.
We started the day with a speech about getting back to business and I had them grab their clipboards where they log their subjects, details, and hours. The kids hadn't logged anything for about 3 weeks! That means we hadn't written down anything...don't get me wrong- we've done stuff, just apparently not written it down. We decided to take a bit to log it, recall all that we did, and write down some totals for hours. In doing that, I realized that *certain (non-favorite) subjects had been neglected. I'm very proud of myself- I maintained composure and we prayed about it. We talked about the importance of those subjects and then started out fresh and packed in as much as we could do. Add in trying to get ready for our study group that meets on Tuesday, and that put me so behind that I couldn't post about my Change 3 Challenge!
Two weeks ago, I linked up with Amber at Adventures in Mindful Living {read what the Change 3 Challenge is} and created 3 of my own challenges! Here's my original- Change 3 Challenge then I posted after the first week...Was I Successful in My Challenges?
I had a more successful week in some areas and flopped in others! That seems to be the way it goes for me!
As far as the water goes- I made my goal of drinking 100 ounces everyday but one! Woohoo for me!
As far as writing down everything I eat- I only did it for 2 1/2 days...at one point I couldn't find my original paper, then I got sidetracked from writing it on another...I'm still not sure where half the week went so...who knows what my issue was- this was my major flop.
Then my last goal was to only snack on veggies or fruit and I'd say I was pretty successful for this one. Although I really wanted crackers so I just added it to lunch so it wouldn't be a 'snack' but I really didn't need them, so apparently I'm a cheater...
I'll be honest with you, I'm really trying to work through some of my underlying issues with food. I don't like to admit it to anyone, or frankly talk about anything related to food, weight, clothes, etc. because I guess I'd like to not acknowledge my issue or be in denial or something... just trying to type it out is super hard. God and I working on it. I'm trying to seek the Lord and not go to food when I'm stressed or sad. I suppose working on this with Him is really foundational to the success for my other goals. So pray for me, if you think of it.
I hope my week evens out and that I'm diligent in what God wants me to learn and wants me to teach my kids. If you're working on any challenges, how'd you do?


  1. I am coming back to comment on this as soon as I get my little one down! But I wanted to let you know I nominated you and Jamie for the Sunshine Award!

  2. I am glad I am not the only one who realizes that certain subjects have been neglected sometimes!lol! I gave my speech today about getting back on our routines and buckling down before the holidays in our schooling. Of course it is Friday so we will see how Monday goes! I had to get my own little notebook to write down my food on becasue I kept losing my list of what I ate too. Of course as I sit here I realized I dont know where it is?lol! Oh well! Good job on the water! I am still struggling with that one. I am an emotional eater big time. It is my first coping mechanism which isnt good becasue I know I should turn to God first, and that is something I too am working on. I am rooting you on!!!
