Monday, September 30, 2013

Change 3 Challenge

Okay, here goes...asking for accountability is one of the hardest things I ever do. Because it means that someone may actually remind me of the things I want to change when I'm doing the things that won't help me get there.
Although, I know I don't have a lot of readers yet since beginning this blog in August, so how much accountability I'll get is questionable... ;)

I recently made it to a workshop at our church for leaders (my husband and I are the youth pastors, he even recently got hired full time so we've got that transition happening in our lives- so cool to have your passion be your job!) about helping people on your team release core passions and activate Kingdom dreams. There was a wheel with different categories such as Spiritual Life, Marriage, Family & Children, Financial Stewardship, and Physical Stewardship, among others. There were tons of questions to get you to identify and focus on your core personal values. It got me thinking how I value and place time around certain core values on the wheel but completely ignore others. To simplify it, sometimes I think of my life in realms: my spiritual, my mental, & my physical realm. I tend to focus on my mental realm by reading a lot, etc. I go through spurts of focusing on my spiritual realm. God and I are on a really awesome journey right now, He's showing me all sorts of greatness and in turn, I'm working in a lot of my journey with the kiddos during our homeschool bible time then they get to go have their own quiet time to see what God's got for them specifically. Well, the area I tend to neglect is my physical realm. In this workshop it is called "Physical Stewardship" and asks questions like...
  • What is my personal definition of health?
  • What words come to my mind when I think about describing the particular body God gave me?
  • What do I tend to do to take care of myself physically?
  • Looking back at my behavior patterns, how would I describe my way of dealing with:
    • Rest
    • Pain
    • Medical attention
    • Physical limitations
    • Nutrition
    • Physical appearance
    • Stress
Can I just be honest here? I hate those questions! My way of dealing with those areas? What areas? What are you talking about? Take medication? Rest? Pay attention to my body? I don't know what you're talking about... I bury my head in the sand. My way of acknowledging is not acknowledging at all. It takes my husband hours to convince me to take Motrin for a headache. I really don't care about clothes and makeup as much as most of my female friends. I do however, try to eat fairly healthy (it's my serving sizes that are probably my major issue for my weight). I like to cook with whole foods, grains, and veggies. I try not to buy food with high fructose corn syrup, I drink good water and use non fluorinated toothpaste and deodorant with no antiperspirants. I guess I care a little bit about the inside of my body... Anyway, these questions got me thinking about my physical stewardship and how I take care of what God gave me.
Well, long story short (you're thinking, "This is short?! What would be long?!" If you only knew how I could ramble...) I'm gonna make some changes and I'd like your help to hold me accountable!
I've found this really cool momma with a cool blog who I'm going to attempt this 'linking up thing' with- Amber at Adventures in Mindful Cooking- and her Change 3 Challenge. It's simple: Change 3 things. I'm going to focus on the physical since that's the area I'm needing help in.
Here's my three:
  1. Drink 100 ounces of water (I definitely don't drink nearly enough water!)
  2. Write down everything I eat! (I always do better about not eating so much when I have to mark it down.)
  3. Only eat fruits and veggies for any snacking I do during the day! (My hubby and I always have snack at night after we put the kiddos to bed, I'm going to keep that one!)
So here goes! To find out more about this challenge or join me, either on your blog, facebook, or twitter, click this link~Adventures In Mindful Cooking "Change 3 Challenge"
Check back with me next week to see how I did!


  1. I am soo glad I met you and that you are going to do this challenge with us!! I hate those questions too by the way. Now I can make sure the kids and my husband are fed and taken care of all day long but I am the worst about taking care of me. Thats also the reason I am not running at 100%. I need to write down what I eat too, I think that would make me more aware of what I am putting in becasue I just don't pay attention to me.Thats one of the reasons I started this challenge because I realize I need to take care of what God gave me!

    1. Exactly! Also, I've enjoyed reading other people's changes...makes me think I could've done those too...but it's better to focus on just 3...for now. :)

  2. I first read this on my phone, and when I got to the part about it being the short version I laughed and thought 'yeah right!!' Then I opened it on the computer and realized it's not that you're good!
    I'm so horrible about having accountability! Like you said, the idea that someone will actually remind me to do stuff that's good for me is a bit intimidating. I've been thinking lately that I need a friend to encourage me about what I'm eating and if I'm working out. However the thought of that kinda terrifies me so it hasn't happened yet. Basically, I agree with this entire post!! You may or may not receive a phone call from me to talk about this in more detail in the near future....thanks for sharing!

    1. Anytime Kristen! I'm glad you enjoyed it! It could've totally been longer... ;)
